Christmas Songs
How about adding a 50’s-style song or two to the Christmas play for your children?
These songs are fun to sing.
Purchase the sheet music OR the vocal & accompaniment MP3s OR both. Click HERE for prices.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Twink – 1247
Christmas star song for children, 50's style with motions (this...
There was Room-dee-doom – 1270
Christmas song for kids about the animals in the barn, 50's...
Shepherds Were Asleep / Gloria – 1238
Christmas song about the shepherds, 50's style with actions...
Jesus Gives Us Love – 1222
Song that children can sing about the love and joy that Jesus...
Find a Baby, in a Manger – 2231
Wisemen's song for kids about following the star to find Jesus,...
Counting Sheep / Rise Up, Shepherd – 2227
2-part shepherd's song for kids, 50’s style (this song is...
Check it Out – 2221
Shepherd's song for kids about going to see Jesus, 50's style...
Always With You – 2202
Kids song about God's presence with us, 50's style with sways...