I Am, Here I Am
I Am, Here I Am is a contemporary worship service that reminds us of the “I Am’s” of God and Christ, and then calls us to respond.
The following songs are included in I Am, Here I Am:
. . . A song that calls us to worship – I Am Who I Am:
. . . A song that invites us to affirm what we believe – Who Do You Say I Am:
. . . A song that calls us to prayer – Be Still:
. . . A song of celebration at communion (the Lord’s Supper) – Bread of Life:
. . . A song that sends us from worship into the world – Here I Am, Send Me:
I Am, Here I Am includes:
1) Sheet music– a piano score with guitar chords.
2) Lead-line sheets for each song that can be reproduced in your worship folder.
3) An order of worship that gives you ideas on how to structure your worship service.
4) Permission to make as many copies as you need.
Everything is sent via e-mail in PDF format – no shipping charges.
Please note that all sales are final – no refunds or exchanges.
It was our pleasure
It was our pleasure to use Cathy’s songs during our “boat-in” worship service on the beach on Sunday mornings. We found that her music is in a very singable range, melodically interesting, and quickly learned and enjoyed by worshipers.
We have been blessed
We have been blessed to use Cathy’s music for contemporary worship. Her songs are contemporary, theologically sound, scripture based, and written in a style and range that many are able to quickly follow. I am certain that others would find their worship experience enhanced with Cathy’s music.