Get Dressed – God-style
Sound Bites for Kids Item #7008
Get Dressed – God-style is a Sound Bite skit that your kids can record at home for use in a virtual, online worship service.
Getting dressed is part of everyone’s day. Colossians 3 gives us a few pointers on clothing ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Children add all of these qualities to their wardrobe and also add love – a basic, all-purpose accessory that we never want to be without!
(NOTE: While we were sheltering due to Covid 19, individual families recorded these Sound Bites in their homes using their phones.)
Theme: Getting dressed God’s way
Characters: Narrator and 2 children
Performance time: 1-2 minutes
Here’s a Get Dressed – God-style script excerpt:
(children appear in their favorite outfits)
Narrator: Did you know that there is a Bible verse in Colossians that talks about getting dressed? Let’s start with compassion and kindness. Compassion and kindness are when we care about others. That involves our heads and our hearts. What could we put on that will remind us to use our heads and hearts to care about others?
Children: (hold up hats) HATS!
(children put on hats and model by tipping head to side, turn so we can see the back & then face front & leave hats on)
Perfect – that covers your head, but what about your heart?
Children: (hold up stickers) STICKERS!
(children place stickers on chest & model by moving shoulders, turn so we can see the back & then face front & leave stickers on)
That works. Now you are clothed with compassion and kindness. If you read a little further in the Bible, there is a verse that says, “Now, over all these things, put on love.” What will pull the whole outfit together?
(children stand together under umbrella or both get wrapped in a blanket together)
Great! Regardless of what else we put on when we are getting dressed at the beginning of the day, wear love. It’s a basic, all-purpose accessory that we never want to be without!
(full script is 1-2 minutes long)
This Sound Bite for Kids package includes:
1) a script that includes a narrator and acting parts for 2 children
2) prop list & staging
3) performance rights to use the script for virtual worship
Script is sent via e-mail.
Please note that all sales are final – no refunds or exchanges.