Umbrellas & Bubbles & Prayers
Skit-with-a-Song for Kids Item #6004
Umbrellas & Bubbles & Prayers is a skit-with-a-song prayer that preschool or elementary age children can use to lead the prayers during worship.
This skit gives your children an opportunity to lead the prayers . . . all you need are some umbrellas and bubbles.
Theme: Prayer – first your children will pray for their needs and the needs of all people using umbrellas and then they will thank God for things that make us all smile using bubbles.
Characters: 1 Leader to read the prayers and narrate, 1 older child to help with props, 2-8 children to hold umbrellas, blow bubbles and say “Amen” (and the option to expand the parts to include more children or combine the parts for fewer children).
Song: Anytime We Whisper – this mellow song includes sandpaper blocks for rhythm
Performance time: 5 minutes
Here’s an Umbrellas & Bubbles & Prayers script excerpt:
NOTE: The following are only a few of the petitions included in the prayers.
Leader: Loving God, you promise to always walk with us.
(Older Child holds up large golf umbrella. Children gather under the large umbrella; All freeze in place)
Help us to remember that you welcome us, and all people. Under the umbrella of your endless loving care, we look to you for hope and peace.
And together, all the children say . . .
ALL Children & Leader: (together) AMEN!
Leader: Today, we also celebrate the things that make us smile. Let us pray. (pause)
God of all good gifts, here in this place, we give you our bubbles of thanks.
Thank you for sunshine and flowers.
(ALL children blow bubbles and freeze in place)
Thank you for snowflakes and strawberries.
(ALL children blow bubbles and freeze in place)
God of all good gifts, thank you for the many ways your gifts surprise us and make us smile every day.
(ALL Children blow bubbles as Older Child uses bubble machine to fill the air with bubbles)
Leader: And together, all the children say . . .
ALL Children & Leader: (together) AMEN!
(full skit and song are approximately 5 minutes long)
Check out the song in this package, Anytime We Whisper.
This Skit-with-a-Song for Kids package includes:
1) Sheet music includes a piano score with guitar chords.
2) Lyric sheet.
3) MP3s include two tracks – a vocal track of the song and a keyboard-only track with no vocals.
4) Narrated skit (with the option to expand the parts to include more children or combine the parts for fewer children), prop list and staging.
5) Permission to make copies of the sheet music, lyric sheet, MP3s and script – as many copies as you need for your performance. Price
Everything is sent via e-mail. You receive the script and song quickly and there are no shipping charges.
Please note that all sales are final – no refunds or exchanges.