God’s Big Love
God’s Big Love is a 45-minute children’s worship service designed to engage children and their families in active worship participation.
God’s Big Love includes:
. . . a Psalm 139 call to worship slide show (of the children in your congregation)
. . . care package object lessons from “you know who”
. . . a sketch your kids do from Matthew 25 – As you did it to the least of these
. . . the offering invites your children to help out
. . . ideas on how to organize your service & permission to make as many copies as needed
. . . sheet music with piano score & guitar chords
Check out the songs that are included in this children’s worship service:
1) Jesus, We Will Sing
2) Come on and Say Yes
3) Choose Love
4) Go, We Gotta Go
Everything is sent via e-mail in PDF format – no shipping charges.
Please note that all sales are final – no refunds or exchanges.