The Big, Big Story script excerpt:
(wisemen enter carrying their gifts)
Wiseman: (to reporter) Pardon me. Could you verify the location of a twinkling celestial body exclusively visible when the earth’s rotation causes a reduction in the illumination of the atmosphere?
Reporter: (mouth drops open) You mean . . . . have I seen a star?
(wisemen bow a big, silent “yes”)
Reporter: (indicates height of star character) About so high?
(wisemen bow a big, silent “yes”)
Reporter: Sure, I’ll give you that information if I can take your picture.
(wisemen bow a big, silent “yes” and take a stuffy picture holding up their gifts)
Reporter: The star went (points) that way.
(wisemen bow a big, silent “thank you” and exit in the direction of the star)
Song: Find a Baby, in a Manger
(Shepherds enter)
Reporter: (approaching the shepherds) Part of the big story?
Shepherd: We sure are! We’re the shepherds.
Reporter: I’m writing about the big story that about to happen here in Bethlehem. Do you know what this big story is all about?
Shepherd: A baaaaaaaaby. (like the “baa” of a sheep)
Reporter: A baby?
Shepherd: In a baaaaaaaarn.
Reporter: In a barn? Are you sure you’ve got the right story?
Shepherd: It’s biiiiiiiiiiiiig. This is no ordinary baaaaaaaaaby. You’ll see.
Reporter: I plan to see it all. Hey, can I get a picture of you shepherds in this big story?
(Shepherds line up with reporter kneeling in front of them. Shepherds put “rabbit ears” on the reporter as the camera person takes a picture).
Reporter: Thanks a lot! (writes on clipboard as shepherds exit and child #2 enters)
(Entire The Big, Big Story script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes 9+ speaking parts and 5+ non-speaking parts.
Catch the Christmas Spirit script excerpt:
Adult: (enters carrying a book and sits on rocking chair) We’ve been so busy shopping for gifts, baking cookies, and decorating. How about taking a little time out for the Christmas story?
Child: (sits on the floor) Is this the one where the big guy comes down the chimney with lots of presents?
Adult: No. This is the real Christmas story.
Child: The real Christmas story? You mean it’s true? (music starts)
Adult: Yup. . . it’s true. (opens book) It all began in a little town called Bethlehem.
Song: Bethlehem, God Chose You
Child: Who says big things can’t happen in small places?
Adult: Right . . . when God chooses the small, big things can happen. Bethlehem had been chosen to be the birthplace of God’s son, Jesus . . . the savior of the world.
Child: I thought God would want Jesus to be born in a castle with lots of lights in a big town.
Adult: No big town, in fact Bethlehem was so tiny and so crowded, Jesus’ parents had a hard time finding a place to stay.
Song: Make Room
(Mary and Joseph enter during this song – looking around, and then settling in at the manger)
Child: They didn’t have a bed?
Adult: Nope.
Child: They had to stay in the barn and make a bed in the hay?
Adult: Yup.
Child: Is that where Jesus was born?
Adult: It sure was.
(Entire Catch the Christmas Spirit script: 8-10 minutes)
Script includes 2 speaking parts and 15+ non-speaking parts.
Checkin’ It Twice script excerpt:
NOTE: This is the identical script that is used for “The Christmas Checklist” . . . the traditional Christmas carols have been replaced with contemporary Christmas songs in “Checkin’ It Twice”.
Reader: Luke 2:1-5 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Mary & Joseph enter; Joseph carries suitcase, which he places on table and opens)
Joseph: Do we have everything, Mary?
Mary: (looks in suitcase) I think so.
Joseph: (pulls out sticky note pad & holds up sticky note #1) Spare clothes?
Mary: Right here, Joseph. (holds up shirt)
Joseph: (holds up sticky note #2) Map to Bethlehem?
Mary: Mmmm . . . . (looks around in suitcase) here it is. (holds up map)
Joseph: (holds up sticky note #3) Snacks for the trip?
Mary: Got it. (holds up bag of chips)
Joseph: How about some dip to go with those chips?
Mary: (holds up dip) Your favorite!
Joseph: Perfect . . . are we missing anything?
Mary: (pauses to think) Our birth certificates!!
Joseph: Oh yes. (pulls papers out of pocket/belt) Here they are. Now we’re ready to go and register in Bethlehem.
Mary: I sure hope we can find a place to stay when we get there. Bethlehem will be crowded.
Joseph: God will provide a place, Mary.
Mary: I know, Joseph.
Joseph: Well, I think we’ve got everything. Are you ready to go?
Mary: I’m ready if you are.
Joseph: (shuts suitcase) Let’s go. (Joseph carries suitcase as they exit and go to manger)
(Entire Checkin’ It Twice script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with 18+ speaking parts and 10+ non-speaking parts.
The Christmas Checklist script excerpt:
NOTE: This is the identical script that is used for “Checkin’ It Twice” . . . the contemporary Christmas songs have been replaced with traditional Christmas carols in “The Christmas Checklist”.
Reader: Luke 2:1-5 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Mary & Joseph enter; Joseph carries suitcase, which he places on table and opens)
Joseph: Do we have everything, Mary?
Mary: (looks in suitcase) I think so.
Joseph: (pulls out sticky note pad & holds up sticky note #1) Spare clothes?
Mary: Right here, Joseph. (holds up shirt)
Joseph: (holds up sticky note #2) Map to Bethlehem?
Mary: Mmmm . . . . (looks around in suitcase) here it is. (holds up map)
Joseph: (holds up sticky note #3) Snacks for the trip?
Mary: Got it. (holds up bag of chips)
Joseph: How about some dip to go with those chips?
Mary: (holds up dip) Your favorite!
Joseph: Perfect . . . are we missing anything?
Mary: (pauses to think) Our birth certificates!!
Joseph: Oh yes. (pulls papers out of pocket/belt) Here they are. Now we’re ready to go and register in Bethlehem.
Mary: I sure hope we can find a place to stay when we get there. Bethlehem will be crowded.
Joseph: God will provide a place, Mary.
Mary: I know, Joseph.
Joseph: Well, I think we’ve got everything. Are you ready to go?
Mary: I’m ready if you are.
Joseph: (shuts suitcase) Let’s go. (Joseph carries suitcase as they exit and go to manger)
(Entire The Christmas Checklist script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with 18+ speaking parts and 10+ non-speaking parts.
The Christmas Clinic script excerpt:
(doctor is writing on clipboard as client #6 enters)
Client #6: Hello, doctor.
Doctor: Hello.
Client #6: Do you remember me? I was at the Christmas Clinic a year ago. You gave me some Christmas vitamins.
Doctor: Of course . . . how did they work out for you?
Client #6: Great! I used them all year long.
Doctor: That’s what you’re supposed to do. One vitamin a day keeps a little bit of Christmas in you all year long.
Client #6: It sure does. I’ve been telling everyone about Christmas vitamins.
Doctor: This reminds me of the Christmas story. (nurse rings bell)
Client #6: It does?
Doctor: Yes it does. After the shepherds went to Bethlehem, they told other people about the savior.
Client #6: Kind of like me telling other people about Christmas vitamins?
Doctor: Exactly!
Client #6: Hey, I was wondering . . . could I get a refill for another year of Christmas vitamins? That way I can keep giving a little dose of Christmas to people who need it all year long.
Doctor: That’s the spirit. (writes out a prescription and gives to client #6) Here you go. Merry Christmas!
Client #6: Same to you. (exits as doctor freezes in place making notes on clipboard)
Reader: Luke 2:18 & 20 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Entire The Christmas Clinic script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with 16+ speaking parts and 7+ non-speaking parts and readers.
Christmas in a Box script excerpt:
Reader: Luke 2:1-5 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Mary and Joseph enter down center aisle as Reader reads; they stop stage left and stand behind table. Mary takes dish towel out of prop box and ties it on head like a kerchief and takes plastic grocery bags out of prop box and places them on the table. Joseph takes pieces of paper and wooden spoon out of prop box and places them on table; then takes lampshade out of prop box and places it (wide side up) on floor for a waste basket and takes broom and frisbee out of prop box; leans broom against table and places frisbee on floor next to broom.)
Joseph: (picks up wooden spoon, handle end of spoon is down and scoop end of spoon is up) All right, Mary. (holds up wooden spoon “pen”) I found the pencil.
Mary: That’s good. You need to write both of our names on the registration form we were given when we arrived in Bethlehem.
Joseph: (excitedly shuffles through papers & makes a ball of one piece of paper and tosses it into the lamp shade “waste basket”) I can’t find the form! (shuffles more papers) I can’t find the registration form, Mary. Do you see it here?
Mary: (calmly picks up a piece of paper and hands it to Joseph) Here it is, Joseph.
Joseph: (takes paper and uses handle-end of wooden spoon “pen” to sign name on paper) Thanks, Mary. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been kind of nervous lately. (lays wooden spoon “pen” down on table) I’ve been nervous about our trip to Bethlehem. I’m nervous about getting our names registered on time. I’m nervous about having a baby.
Mary: But, I’m the one who is going to have the baby!
Joseph: I know, Mary, I know. But this baby isn’t just any baby . . . it’s the Savior of the world.
Mary: You need to remember that God has everything under control, Joseph. This isn’t about us. This is about God’s gift of a Savior to the world.
Joseph: Whew! What a relief! Thanks for the reminder. (grabs broom and starts sweeping floor quickly)
Mary: Now what are you doing?
Joseph: Sometimes keeping busy helps me to keep my mind off of being nervous. You see, I’m also nervous about finding a place for us to stay. There wasn’t any room for us to stay in the inn, so it looks like we’re going to have to stay in a barn for a few nights. (uses frisbee “dustpan” to scoop up and dump dirt in lamp shade “waste basket”)
Mary: Sleeping in a barn will be fine with me. We’ve got a place to sleep, (holds up bag) we’ve got food to eat, and we’ve got a Savior that is about to be born.
Joseph: Oh, oh . . . I’m starting to feel nervous again.
Mary: There’s no need to be nervous, Joseph. God has everything under control, remember?
Joseph: Absolutely everything?
Mary: (nods) Everything!
(As music begins, Mary and Joseph place all props in prop box and exit to stand in center front row of choir.)
Song: Oh, Come, Emmanuel / What Child is This (NOTE: drum/shaker & triangle)
(Entire Christmas in a Box script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with 6 speaking parts and parts for narrators and readers.
Christmas Play by Play script excerpt:
(Mary and Joseph enter stage left; Mary is carrying baby Jesus)
Co-captain #1: Hey . . . look! That must be the new coach.
Co-captain #2: I bet you’re right and it looks like he brought his family. (waves Mary & Joseph over)
Co-captain #1: (shakes hands with Joseph) Welcome to Bethlehem Stadium. My name is _____. What’s your name?
Joseph: Joseph.
Co-captain #1: Nice to meet you, Joseph. (points to #2) This is (_____name of co-captain #2).
Co-captain #2: (shakes hands with Joseph) Great to meet you, Joseph! (points to Mary) And this must be your assistant coach. (shakes hands with Mary)
Joseph: (puzzled) Uh . . . no. (pause) This is my wife, Mary.
Co-captain #1: (shakes hands with Mary) Hi, Mary. Nice to have you here at the stadium.
Mary: Thank you, it’s nice to be here.
Co-captain #1: (leans over and looks at baby) And who is this little guy?
Mary: (holds baby up for co-captains #1 & #2 to see) This is Jesus.
Co-captain #2: He’s a tiny little guy.
Mary: He sure is. (looks at baby) He has only been in the world for a few hours.
Co-captain #1: Woah! He must have been born right here in Bethlehem.
Joseph: He sure was. (points over shoulder toward manger) He was born just down the street from this stadium in a barn.
Co-captain #1: (with shock) He was born in a barn?!
Joseph: That’s right, a barn. All of the inns in town were full, so we had to settle for a spot in the barn.
Co-captain #2: (to Mary) I’m sorry your baby had to be born in a barn.
Mary. It’s O.K. When it came time to have my baby, God provided exactly what I needed.
Co-captain #2: What a great attitude!
Mary: And God’s timing was perfect!
Co-captain #1: And now you get to be the assistant coach to some of the best athletes in baseball.
Mary: What?!
Co-captain #1: You know. (slugs Joseph’s shoulder) We were promised a coach.
Co-captain #2: (slugs Joseph’s other shoulder) Joseph, you’re the coach. And Mary is your assistant coach.
(both co-captains #1 & #2 slug Joseph’s shoulders)
Joseph: (holds up “stop” hands and shakes head “no”) Sorry, you guys! God is going to give you what you need, but it might not be exactly what you expected.
Co-captain #2: What do you mean?
Joseph: (takes baby from Mary and holds it toward co-captains #1 & #2) Meet your new coach!
#1 & #2: (together) What!!
Joseph: It’s true. Jesus is not only your new coach, (pause) he is your newborn savior.
Mary: God promised to send a Savior and now Jesus is here. (co-captains #1 & #2 remove hats and kneel in front of Jesus) Now that we’ve met the co-captains, we look forward to introducing Jesus to the rest of the team.
Joseph: Tell everyone on the team that they can find us at home plate. (points to home plate & manger stage left; co-captains #1 & #2 nod, then stand and put on baseball hats)
Co-captain #1: Sure thing. We’ll tell everyone! It was great to meet all of you!
Co-captain #2: And it is great to finally have a coach for the team.
(as song begins, co-captains #1 & #2 wave good-bye to Mary & Joseph; Mary & Joseph take places at manger as co-captains exit stage right.)
Song: Away in a Manger / Come with Me (NOTE: triangle, xylophone)
(as song ends, Narrator #1 enters and stands center stage; Co-captains #1 & #2 enter and stand center stage entering a text message on phone)
Narrator #1: The co-captains knew it would be their job to tell the rest of the team about their new coach. They decided that the best place to start would be to send a text message to the angels in the bull pen. (co-captains put phone away, high 5 each other & exit stage left)
(Entire Christmas Play by Play script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes 15 speaking parts and 2 narrators & 10 non-speaking parts.
Christmas Snapshots script excerpt:
Reader: Luke 2:8 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
Narrator: These are the only pictures that we have in black and white. We thought that would bring out the best in the sheep – they only come in black and white you know! (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #7: Shepherds pose in pairs with sheep – holding them, scolding them, petting them, etc. – then freeze)
These shepherds were on duty on a hillside near Bethlehem. Their job: (pause) to take care of a flock of sheep. Here’s a picture of the shepherds taking care of the sheep. (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #8: Sheep bunch up on right. Shepherds pick up flashlights & freeze in pose with flashlights pointing to the right)
Here’s another picture of the shepherds taking care of the sheep later that same night. (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #9: Sheep bunch up on left. Shepherds switch and point flashlights to left and freeze in pose)
Here’s a shot of the shepherds having their midnight snack. (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #10: Shepherds get rid of flashlights and grab sticks with marshmallows on them and freeze in pose as if roasting the marshmallows over a fire, some standing, some kneeling and one eating a marshmallow on a stick. Sheep are around like pets.)
For them, it was just another ordinary night of sheep watching. Little did they know that this ordinary night was about to take an exciting turn.
Reader: (Luke 2: 9) (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
Narrator: We got this picture of the shepherds as the angel came to visit them that night. (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #11: Angel #1 stands in middle of shepherds with arms lifted up and shepherds look scared as they shield their faces with their hands. Everyone freezes.)
Reader: (Luke 2: 10-14) (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
Narrator: Suddenly this snapshot got very crowed as the angel was joined by a bunch of other angels who began to sing. We caught this picture just as the concert was getting started. (point to picture frame)
(Snapshot #12: Angels enter and stand in line on left with mouth open as if singing as Angel #1 becomes their director and shepherds and sheep sit on floor right watching the angels sing. Everyone freezes.)
You should have seen it. It was an awesome night. There were bright lights. There was great music. And best of all . . . there was good news.
(Entire Christmas Snapshots script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with reader & narrator parts and lots of opportunities for non-speaking costumed characters to be a part of 19 snapshots.
Christmas: We’re On the Air script excerpt:
This is an old-fashioned radio show so the sound effects crew will do all the sounds in bold.
Announcer #1: And now for an update on the baby that was born in a barn in Bethlehem.
Announcer #2: Our news crew is live on the scene. Are you there?
Barn Reporter #1: We sure are.
Announcer #2: Fill us in. Who are these people and why was their baby born in a barn?
Barn Reporter #1: The couple’s names are Mary and Joseph. They travelled here all the way from Nazareth.
Barn Reporter #2: It was a very long trip for Joseph. But it was a very, very long trip for Mary because she was going to have a baby.
Barn Reporter #1: When they tried to get a room at an inn, this is what they heard:
(Note: use one person for all three voices)
Sound: fist pounds on shoe box 5 times
Low Voice says, “No room . . . sorry.”
Close hard-covered book quickly to imitate door closing
Fist pounds on shoe box 5 times
High Voice says, “Sorry . . . . no room.”
Close hard-covered book quickly to imitate door closing
Fist pounds on shoe box 5 times
Regular Voice says, “No room . . . so sorry.”
Close hard-covered book quickly to imitate door closing
Barn Reporter #1: So they took the only spot they could find, (pause) a barn in Bethlehem.
Sound: chicken, cow & sheep noises
Barn Reporter #2: Shortly after they got here, the time came for Mary to have her baby.
Barn Reporter #1: Mary gave birth to her son right here in the barn.
Sound: chicken, cow & sheep noises
Barn Reporter #2: She named her baby Jesus. Then she wrapped the baby in cloth and laid him in the manger.
Song: Away in a Manger / Gentle Light (NOTE: triangle, xylophone, sign language or light motions)
(Entire Christmas: We’re On the Air script: 10-12 minutes)
Script for the 40-minute program includes 17 speaking parts & script for the 20-minute program includes 15 speaking parts & both scripts include 10 non-speaking parts for the sound effects crew.
NOTE: The 20-minute program does not include the wisemen.
Get in Line for Christmas script excerpt:
(piano plays measures 60-63 of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing/We Are a Flock” as Clerk 3 takes place behind counter at Bethlehem Corner Market; wisemen enter carrying packages)
Wiseman 1-3: (together) Two, four, six, eight, what do we appreciate? No. . . . line!
Clerk 3: May I help you?
Wiseman 1: We’ve got three packages that need to be delivered. Can you help us out?
Clerk 3: Your precious packages are my personal priority. (pulls out notepad and scribbles) Do you need insurance?
Wiseman 2: No thanks.
Clerk 3: (scribbles on notepad) What’s in the packages?
Wiseman 3: (holds up package) Gold.
Wiseman 2: (holds up package) Frankincense.
Wiseman 1: (holds up package) Myrrh.
Clerk 3: (scribbles on notepad) O.K. We’ve got lots of packages to deliver these days. According to my calculations, these packages should arrive at their destination in seven days.
Wiseman 3: Seven days?
Wiseman 2: Maybe we should rethink this and deliver them in person.
Wiseman 1: Maybe you’re right.
Clerk 3: It sounds like you’re making your precious packages a personal priority.
Wiseman 3: Maybe you can help us out with something else.
Clerk 3: Maybe . . . what do you need?
Wiseman 3: Do you have any maps of the city?
Clerk 3: Sure do. (holds up a map)
Wiseman 2: I don’t think we’ll need that.
Wiseman 3: We won’t?
Wiseman 1: (shakes head “no”) Uh-huh. Remember? God is going to provide a star for us to follow that will lead us to the savior.
Wiseman 2 & 3: That’s right!
Wiseman 1: (to clerk 3) Thanks anyway. I guess we don’t need a map after all.
Clerk 3: No delivery. No map. (holds up box of chocolate stars) Can I interest you in some chocolate stars?
Wiseman 1: Why not! (takes candy and wisemen and clerk 3 exit as music begins)
(Entire Get in Line for Christmas script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes 15+ speaking parts and 15+ non-speaking parts.
Hold on to Your Hat – It’s Christmas! script excerpt:
Song: Always With You (NOTE: sways & hand jives)
Reader: Luke 2:1-7 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Mary and Joseph enter down center aisle & go to manger, stage left, as Reader reads; Mary sits & Joseph stand.)
Narrator: Mary and Joseph were settling in at the barn with their new baby when the angel arrived with a box.
(Angel #1 tip-toes in stage right carrying Box #1 and hands it to Joseph.)
Narrator: The angel handed Joseph the box and then quietly slipped out of the barn.
(Angel #1 tip-toes out to join choir; Joseph hands box to Mary.)
Narrator: Mary looked inside the box and found two hats . . . one for Joseph and one for herself.
(Mary hands hat to Joseph; both put hats on. Joseph takes note card out of box and shows it to Mary.)
Narrator: Then Joseph noticed a note in the box. It said, “Hold on to your hat, and remember God is always with you.”
(Joseph places note card in box, Mary removes halo from box and places it on Jesus’ head.)
Narrator: God was with them. As they looked at Jesus lying in the manger, they knew that this was no ordinary baby. This baby was the savior God had promised to send to the world.
(Joseph kneels, removes hat & uses hat to cover baby Jesus.)
Narrator: God was with them . . . right here in this barn. God’s promise to be with them in the days and weeks ahead was exactly what they needed to hear on their first night together as a family in Bethlehem.
(Joseph stands next to Mary as music begins.)
Song: Away in a Manger / Gift from Above (NOTE: triangle & xylophone or flute)
(Entire Hold on to Your Hat – It’s Christmas! script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text, reader & narrator parts and 12+ non-speaking costumed characters. NOTE: The 20-minute program includes 8+ non-speaking costumed characters and does not include the wisemen.
A Piece of Christmas script excerpt:
Reader: Luke 2:1-5 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(Mary and Joseph enter stage left; Mary is rubbing her arms and shivering)
Mary: I’m so cold, Joseph. (shivers)
Joseph: Let me see if I can find something that will keep you warm, Mary. Look! (points to fabric hanging on clothes tree) Someone left a piece of fabric that we can use. (takes fabric from clothes tree and wrap it around Mary’s shoulders) How does that feel?
Mary: (holds fabric around self) It’s very warm. I feel much better. Thank you Joseph.
Joseph: You’re welcome. I know you are cold and exhausted, Mary, and I still haven’t found a place for us to stay tonight.
Mary: I know you’ve checked everywhere but all of the inns are full. No one was a room for us.
Joseph: Well . . . (pauses and holds up one finger) . . . we have one option.
Mary: (surprised) We do?
Joseph: Yes. There was one innkeeper who said we could come back and sleep in his barn if we couldn’t find anywhere else to stay.
Mary: Really? Well, a barn is better than sleeping out in the cold, Joseph.
Joseph: I guess you’re right, Mary. I was hoping we could get a room, but at least a barn will have animals that will keep us warm.
Mary: Let’s go back and tell the innkeeper we’ll take him up on his offer to let us sleep in the barn. (unwraps and hands fabric to Joseph) Here, Joseph.
Joseph: (takes fabric) Don’t you want to take this with you?
Mary: (shakes head) No thanks. We’re going to have a warm place to stay tonight. Maybe someone else will need it more than I do.
Joseph: Whatever you say, Mary. Are you ready to go? (Mary nods) Then let’s go! An overnight in a barn will make our trip to Bethlehem a trip that we will always remember! (hangs fabric on clothes tree and Mary and Joseph go to manger as music begins)
Song: What Child is This / Away in a Manger (NOTE: violin/flute/hand bells and triangle)
(Entire A Piece of Christmas script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes Luke 2 text with 16 speaking parts and reader parts.
Reimagine Advent script excerpt:
(reporter stands on left end of puppet curtain; puppet curtain holders hold curtain as puppeteers take their places behind curtain with props)
Reporter: This is (state your name) for station WTIM reporting on the people who are gathering for an Advent wait. During Advent, we wait with excitement for Jesus to be born into the world. These people started gathering early this morning and we heard that they plan to wait together for a whole month! We met a number of them and they all seem to handle waiting differently.
(pacing puppet enters and paces back and forth and back and forth)
There’s one of our waiters over there.
(points to pacing puppet)
He seems to be pacing. His life is full and now he has added waiting to his to-do list. It will be interesting to see if he can keep that pacing up for an entire month.
(pacing puppet exits; head phone puppet enters & sways to beat of music)
Advent doesn’t seem to get this guy too worked up. He located his head phones and is settling in for a month filled with inspiring music.
(head phones puppet sways to the music as he exits; book puppets enter – reading book puppet is center & book-holding pupets #1 & #2 are at sides of reading book puppet holding an open book in their mouths)
Look at this gal. She loves to wait because she gets a lot of reading done. A whole month filled with good books. Books about hope and joy,
(reading book puppet turn to left and reads book that is being held by book-holding puppet #1)
And books about love and peace.
(reading book puppet turns to right and reads book being held by book-holding puppet #2; book-holding puppets get rid of books & all puppets re-enter & look at Reporter)
The Advent wait is all about Jesus, the one these folks are waiting for – the one who is coming to bring light and life to the world. But the Advent wait is also about these folks who are waiting. They may wait in different ways, but they have one thing in common. They all agree that Jesus is worth the wait!
(puppets nod heads “yes”)
This is (state your name) for station WTIM signing off at the Advent wait.
(puppets take a bow & exit)
(Entire Reimagine Advent script: 10-12 minutes – a puppet show, 3 skits and poems)
Script for this 30-minute program includes 4 speaking parts and lots of Reader parts plus 7 non-speaking puppet parts and 15-30 non-speaking parts.
Signs of Christmas script excerpt:
(Leader pulls wagon to center of choir as #10 & #11 enter fighting. #10 is carrying “Oh, Come” sign and #11, wearing a cowboy/cowgirl hat, is carrying “Y’all Come” sign.)
#10: It’s not right!
#11: Is too!
#10: Is not!
#11: Is too!
Leader: Whoa! What’s all the fighting about?
#10: We decided we needed a sign that invites everyone to the manger. This (points to sign) is from the famous Christmas song, “Oh, come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant.”
#11: That’s too stuffy! I think “Y’all Come” says it better. (holds up sign)
#10: Does not!
#11: Does too!
#10: Does not!
Leader: Come on you guys! You’ve both got invitations . . . they just say “welcome” in different ways. What’s important is that you agree that everyone is welcome to the Christmas celebration, right?
#11: Right!
#10: Right!
#10 & #11: (together) Right! (shake hands, put signs in “Christmas Signs” box and exit together as leader pulls wagon center stage)
Song: Oh, Come All Ye Faithful / Y’all Come(NOTE: stomps, thigh slaps, claps & kitchen band)
(Entire Signs of Christmas script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes 15 speaking parts and 8+ non-speaking parts.
Simply Christmas script excerpt:
Scripture Reader: Luke 2:17-18 & 20 (copyright law prohibits printing scripture text)
(As reader reads, Interpreter #1 & #2 enter and stand stage left as Angels #2-#5 enter and stand stage right.)
Interpreter #1: O.K. We’re here to help these guys out. (point to angels stage right)
Interpreter #2: We were told that they did so much singing that they lost their voices. (angels nod heads “yes”)
Interpreter #1: So they’re going to act out their part and we’ll try and figure out what they’re trying to tell us.
Interpreter #2: (to angels) Are you ready? (angels nod heads “yes”) Let’s start with this . . . who are you?
All Angels: Wave arms like wings.
Interpreter #2: Birds?
All Angels: Shake heads “no”.
Interpreter #2: You’re not birds. Try again.
All Angels: Wave arms like wings then use hands to make a halo and hold it over head.
Interpreter #1: I know, I know. They’re angels.
All Angels: Jump up and down and clap and shake heads “yes”.
Interpreter #1: Great, so you are angels. And what was your job?
All Angels: Angel #2 stands in front of Angels #3-#5, acting as choir director. Angels #3-#5 line up in choir formation and freeze with mouths open, pretending to be singing.
Interpreter #2: Singing . . . they’re singing!
All Angels: Jump up and down and clap and shake heads “yes”.
Interpreter #2: Who are you singing to?
All Angels: Point up to heaven.
Interpreter #2: (looks up to where angels were pointing) Oh . . . God? You’re singing to God!
All Angels: With serious faces, angels slowly nod heads “yes”.
Interpreter #1: Did anyone hear you singing to God?
Angel #2: Nods head “yes”, then steps forward and puts hands up by head like ears.
Interpreter #1: A cow? A cow heard you singing?
Angel #2: Shakes head “no” then puts hands up by head like ears and bends over a little to indicate that the animal is smaller than a cow.
Interpreter #1: A sheep?
All Angels: Jump up and down and clap and nod heads “yes”; Angel #2 steps back to join other angels.
Interpreter #1: (puzzled) You sang a concert for a bunch of sheep?!
Interpreter #2: Well, we all know that wherever there are a lot of sheep, you’ll also find some shepherds.
All Angels: Nod heads “yes”.
Interpreter #1: I’m guessing that God sent you to the shepherds with a message.
All Angels: Nod heads “yes”.
(Entire Simply Christmas script: 12-15 minutes)
Script includes 18+ speaking parts and 11+ non-speaking parts and readers.
Special Delivery script excerpt:
(wisemen enter carrying assorted wrapping paper, tape & packages; wiseman 3 holds package as 1 & 2 wrap it)
Wiseman 1: (holding up wrapping paper) What do you think of this paper?
Wiseman 2: Good choice. Could you please hand me the tape? (wiseman 1 hands wiseman 2 the tape)
Wiseman 3: Sure hope the rest of the gifts come.
Wiseman 2: Rest of the gifts?
Wiseman 3: Yeah. . . I mail ordered three gifts.
Wiseman 1: For who?
Wiseman 3: For Jesus.
Wiseman 1 & 2: For Jesus?!?
Wiseman 2: Those gifts better get here quick. We need to head for Bethlehem tonight!
Wiseman 3: Tonight?
Wiseman 1: Yeah. . . God is going to give us directions that will lead us to the newborn Savior.
Wiseman 3: Tonight?
Wiseman 1 & 2: Tonight!
Delivery Person: (enters with “gold, frankincense & myrrh” packages and honks horn) Special delivery. (holds out clipboard) Sign here.(Wiseman 3 signs as wisemen 1 & 2 take packages; delivery person exits)
Wiseman 3: Thanks a lot! (opens packages)
Wisemen 1-3: All right!
Wiseman 1: (holds up gold) Gold.
Wiseman 2: (holds up frankincense) Frankincense.
Wiseman 3: (holds up myrrh) Myrrh.
Wiseman 2: We better get these gifts wrapped.
Wiseman 1: (holds up wrapping paper) What do you think of this wrapping paper?
Wiseman 3: Perfect. . . nothing but the best for the savior. Could you please hand me the tape?
Wiseman 1: Wait a minute! If we’re heading out tonight, we need some directions.
Delivery Person: (enters with “directions” package and honks horn) I forgot to leave this earlier. (hands wiseman 3 the package)
Wisemen 1-3: The directions!
Wiseman 3: (to delivery person) You know, you should go with us.
Delivery Person: Me? Thanks, but it’s been a long day and I can’t wait to get home.
Wiseman 1: The best stop you can make at Christmas, is a stop at the manger.
Delivery Person: Ya think so? I’ll think about it. Thanks for the invitation. Maybe I’ll see you at the manger later.
Wiseman 1: We’ll see you there. (waves as delivery person exits) We’ll see you there if we can figure out these directions.
(wiseman 3 opens package)
Wiseman 2: What’s it say?
Wiseman 3: Follow the star.
Wiseman 1 & 2: Let’s go. (grab gifts, wrapping paper, & directions and exit)
(Entire Special Delivery script: 10-12 minutes)
Script includes 13 speaking parts and 10+ non-speaking parts.