All Are Welcome
Skit-with-a-Song for Kids Item #6010
All Are Welcome is a narrated skit-with-a-song that elementary age children can perform during worship.
Welcome to worship. Whether you are tired or full of energy, experienced at living life or new to learning about life, God welcomes you . . . whoever you aren’t AND whoever you are!
Theme: Welcome to Worship
Characters: Narrator & 10-20 non-speaking parts for children
Song: Amen, Praise Jesus’ Name – this echo song includes audience participation
Performance time: 5 minutes Price
Here’s an All Are Welcome script excerpt:
(children enter with both hands at ears, smiling and join line)
Narrator: We welcome people who have enjoyed doing a lot of listening this week.
(children enter with pointer fingers in ears and join line)
We welcome people who are tired of listening to others this week.
(children enter as adults with aprons, brief cases, work gloves & chef hats and join line)
We welcome people who have had quite a few years of experience at living life.
(child enters with teddy bear while sucking thumb and joins line)
We welcome people who are kind of new at learning about life. We want you all to know that you are welcome in this place of worship. But even better than that . . . GOD welcomes you . . . whoever you aren’t and whoever you are! Welcome!
(full skit and song are approximately 5 minutes long)
Check out the song in this package, Amen, Praise Jesus’ Name.
This Skit-with-a-Song for Kids package includes:
1) Sheet music includes a piano score with guitar chords.
2) Lyric sheet.
3) MP3s include two tracks – a vocal track of the song and a keyboard-only track with no vocals.
4) Narrated skit (with the option to expand the parts to include more children or combine the parts for fewer children), prop list and staging.
5) Permission to make copies of the sheet music, lyric sheet, MP3s and script – as many copies as you need for your performance. Price
Everything is sent via e-mail. You receive the script and song quickly and there are no shipping charges.
Please note that all sales are final – no refunds or exchanges.